Oddment! Tweak!

Watch the fangirly nerd as she fangirls and acts nerdy!

My Bizzare Pets April 3, 2009

Hyi, People!!

So, this blog is about my strange pets. Lexie is my awesome cat, and Brandon is my fabulous rabbit. And speaking of Brandon, he’s kind of a hermaphrodite. No. Not really. But we’re unaware as to whether he’s male or female. I know. That’s kinda weird. But it only gets weirder….

One morning, Mum woke up and Lexie was licking her…… EYE. e-y-e, the part of your body you see with.  Another morning, she woke up and I kid you not, Lexie’s butthole was INCHES from her face. That’s happened to me before, too. 😀


One morning, Mum woke up and was staggering through the house, blind (without her glasses) and Lexie runs up and jumps up to her butt and claws it. 🙂 


Frequently, we let Brandon hop around in the living room, and we build him a little blanket fort out of a stool (like a thing you sit on, not like poop) and a blanket, and he hides in it. Well, Lexie, it turns out, loves the blanket fort too, so she scares Brandon away and then sits there inside the fort, purrrring away. 😀

When we bring Brandon up, we set some lettuce and cabbage and stuff on the floor for him to eat. When he doesn’t eat it, Lexie goes over to the greens and I. kid. you. not. she. starts. eating. the. veggies. yes. cat. eating. veggies. So. Freaking. Adorable. 🙂 Then, when Brandon starts eating them, she pounces and makes him stop eating…. or she tries, anyway…. 🙂

Sometimes, Lexie goes up to hard surfaces and starts seizing. Okay. Not totally. But her tail just starts shaking and freakin’ out and it’s so funny! I wonder if she can be diagnosed with, like, tail-epilepsy or something. Not that epilepsy is funny, but your cat’s tail…. shaking… randomly? It’s so weird! 😀


Oh, how I love them!




P.S. More blogs to come! 🙂